


Why are acne squeezed out white because they have nowhere to go.


You are my exclusive VIP channel, only I can enter, others cannot enter.


What kind of flowers are good, come and plant strawberries with me.

4.为了节约用水 以后可以一起洗澡吗?

In order to save water, can I take a bath together?


From now on, my little tongue will be your personal snack~

6.趁你心里一暖 捏成爱我的形状

Take advantage of your warmth and shape me into love.

7.想做你的猫 可以被你喂养 还可以跟你睡觉。

I want to be your cat, I can be fed by you and I can sleep with you.

8.有些事不用在一晚上做完 我们又不赶时间 可以每晚都做一做

Some things don’t have to be done in one night, we don’t hurry, we can do it every night.

9.“ 想一头扎进你怀里”“闻着你身上熟悉的味道”

“Want to plunge into your arms” “Smell the familiar smell on you”

10.我脸就搁这 看你亲不亲

I’ll just leave it here to see if you kiss.

11.你像风来了又走 我的身体满了又空

You are like the wind coming and going, my body is full and empty.


You and I want to qualify.


You are a book.

14.想和你朝朝又暮暮 嗯嗯又啊啊 雨都夹着雪 你为什么不夹着我

I want to be with you, morning and evening.
